Members Information


Membership fees are an important part of our orchestra’s revenue and we would not be able to operate without the income they generate. Fees are payable either per calendar year or per concert and there is a discounted rate if fees are paid before the end of March.


Membership Fees For 2024

  • Full paying Adult

    Early Payment Discount: $270

    After 31 March 2024: $300

  • Child, Student​, Senior or Concession​/​Health ​Care ​card​-holder​

    Early Payment Discount: $200

    After 31 March 2024: $230

  • For players whose instrument, due to the scoring of the concert program, is required on a part-time basis only. Note: Approved by the treasurer on application.

    Early Payment Discount: $170

    After 31 March 2024: $200

  • A flexible option if you are unable to play all the concert seasons in the year. Payable by concert day of each season:

    Standard: $110

    Concession: $80

    (Note about Winter Warmer concert fees: Due to reduced number of rehearsals and performances being shorter in length, 2 Winter Warmer concerts constitute 1 in terms of fees payable.)

  • An optional annual payment of $40 to help cover costs of the tea and coffee supplies that we provide during our rehearsal ‘supper breaks’. Alternatively, we ask that you bring a gold coin donation to put in the money jar each week, thank you!


How to Pay

  • Account Name: City of Fremantle Symphony Orchestra

    Bank/Branch: Westpac Fremantle

    BSB: 036306

    Account No: 105942

    Reference: [Your Name] + [Subs Type] (eg. Standard Annual / Concess Single etc.)

  • Cash may be given to the orchestra treasurer at any rehearsal. A Digital receipt will be issued to you via email by the treasurer.

  • Please make these payable to “City of Fremantle Symphony Orchestra” and hand to the Treasurer at any rehearsal.


Further Information

New Players

New players are not generally expected to pay a membership fee for their first concert; however, they will be expected to pay a membership fee if they return as a regular member of the orchestra.

Invited Players

The orchestra’s policy is to give preference to players who are willing to join the orchestra and pay a membership fee. Section leaders should invite players who wish to join the orchestra and pay membership fees (or part thereof if playing for less than a year) when selecting players to fill vacancies. However, where it is not possible to fill vacancies in this way, section leaders may invite players on a casual basis and those players are not expected to pay a membership fee.

Reduced Rates

Reduced rates can be arranged if necessary; please feel free to get in touch by email (or approach one of our friendly committee members in person) to discuss options for reducing fees to an amount that is within your means. Your request will be dealt with in confidence and with discretion.

Payment by Instalments

Members may pay their annual subscriptions in two equal instalments – the first at the start of the year and the balance on 1 July.


Questions regarding membership fees may be directed to the FSO Treasurer: